
Here’s the bottom line: We have work to do and we need to do it now!

Everyday we wait is one more family that ends up on the street or in a shelter. We have the luxury of healthy minds and bodies, places we can call home in communities that support and accept us. We need to create that for the underserved populations in Baltimore City. It is a place to start. Baltimore City is not unique in its’ needs, but we have to start somewhere.

Our vision is to design a networking system that can be reproduced anywhere you go; anywhere there are communities of people in need. We started our work in affordable housing but we found out that it’s not enough.

Our people need more. They couldn’t read the contracts or sign their names.

They struggled with budgeting the little bit of money they had. They were depressed and desperate for more than a house. A house is not a home until we invest in the people and make them whole.


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